Missionary Childhood Day Celebrated in Udyavar Church
- Posted by Admin
- Categories Activity, Commission for Proclamation and Evangalization
- Date February 10, 2025
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On Sunday 9th February, Missionary childhood day was celebrated by commission for proclamation and evangelization in St Francis Xavier church Udyavar. at 9:00am there was class wise quiz organized by the commission, on the life of saints. The quiz was conducted by Mrs Maria Pereira, Sr Ancilla and Fr Stephan. then at 10 am festal mass was offered for the intentions of the MCA. During the homily Fr Stephan Rodrigues gave the examples of many saints who dedicated their lives at young age and inspired them to do the same. the prizes were distributed for the quiz winners and at last to enhance the joy of the celebration all the children were served with refreshments and Ice cream. we thank Mrs Roopa Machado the animator for MCA for her service and also for taking lead in organizing the program.