Young Christian Students/Young Students Movement (YCS/YSM)

The YCS/YSM is a movement that empowers students or teenagers to take action based on what they believe in their community. It is primarily organized in small groups which use the “See-Judge-Act” methodology. The students SEE what is happening in the world around them and analyze the facts. They then JUDGE this in the light of the association’s beliefs and the Gospel and take ACTION to change the students. YCS/YSM tends to awaken and transform the life of the young with the commitment to be a good example and transform the society. It focuses on the goal – a New Society – through education for change and integral development of an individual. Attention to the members is given for – 
• Personality and Leadership Development 
• Reflection on Mentality, Values, Attitudes and Actions 
• Expressing concern for others and options for justice and peace

YCS/YSM dream of a New Society where people live in harmony, where there is freedom for the complete growth of the individual, where each person accepts the other as he/she is, where people value love, peace, truth, justice and equality. Everyone should live in dignity.

YCS/YSM started in our parish in 2001 under the guidance and support of Rev. Fr Richard Coelho. It started in many parishes as well and today is doing very well at the Diocesan level. Every parish priest has given his support, encouragement, cooperation and guidance to the organization. There are animators too to look after the work, progress, development and take decisions accordingly. There are 30 members presently enrolled in YCS. They have carried out many activities like, attending seminars, organizing competitions, visiting the sick and the poor, etc. They work in coordination with ICYM in whatever activities they do. The members actively participate in any competitions or programs within the varado. They have many prizes and accolades too.

Currently Justin and Preema Corda are serving as the President and Secretary in our parish.