“He is Risen, Alleluia is our Song” – Easter
- Posted by Fr. Rolwin
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- Date April 4, 2021
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Easter is a Primary and Important festivity of Catholics and Christians world over. Easter is a symbol of live wire of faith of Christians. Easter celebrations began at St Francis Xavier Church Udyavar, by recalling the vigil, a night service beautifully enumerating the meaning of various symbolisms involved. At 7.00 p.m. all the faithful gathered in the dark in front of the hall in the open ground where the fire was lit. The Parish Priest, V. Rev. Fr Stany B Lobo conducted the rite of the Easter candle – symbolizing the Resurrected Christ. He blessed the new fire and lit the Pascal Candle and while at the entrance of the church when he second time proclaimed ‘The Light of Christ’ all responded with Joy Thanks be to God and lit their respective candles from the light of the Pascal Candle. When in the church third time he called a response, all were with the lit candles in hands and it was a majestic site to look at the church filled with the light of candles and later the lights of the church were lit.
Fr Jason Pais sang the praises of the Easter Candle then the word of God continued. Fr Rollwin J Aranha led the prayers of the mass. There were three readings from the Old Testament comprising of the creation story from the book of Genesis, the story of Passover by the Israelites from the book of Exodus and the renewal of the Church and creation from the book of Ezekiel and the appropriate psalms and prayers were read. After the final reading from the Old Testament, ‘Glory to God on Highest’ – the song of the Angels was sung and all joined the Easter Joy and were jubilant, the altar candles were lit and followed the reading from the New Testament., singing Alleluia and the Gospel narrating the Resurrection event from the Gospel of Mark.
Fr Jason Pais preaching at the mass stressed on the Courage and Witness and Joy of receiving the Resurrected Christ. He began with highlighting in Christ, God the Father has fulfilled his promise and mission, it was a Final Touch of Him, His Love and plan of redemption. Giving an allegory of the magician (who changes something with him into some other thing) Fr Jason metaphorically applied it to God the father, who is a true Magician in the sense, as in Jesus he changes many things; we gave shame, He changed it into grace; we gave thorny crown, He changed it into Crown of Glory; we gave words of discouragement and ridicule, He changed it into words of Life; we nabbed His clothing, He clothed us with the cloth of graciousness; we gave Him cross, He changed it into a ladder to reach Heaven. Thus, in the Resurrection of Jesus we have hope, faith and love. Then he enumerated and explained about the meaning of the nine readings traditionally read at Easter and their importance in Easter Liturgy. Without the Resurrection of Jesus we do not have Christianity and Christian Existence. He invited everyone to have true faith in the New Life given by Jesus and to be Courageous, Witnesses and bearers of Joy of the Resurrected Christ.
Then followed the third part of the liturgy the blessing of the Baptismal Water and renewal of baptismal Promises. It began with the Litany of the Saints, then prayer over the waters, renewal of promises and sprinkling with the newly blessed pascal water. Which was then followed by the prayers of the faithful. Then the mass continued as usual. V. Rev. Fr Stany B Lobo thanked everyone gathered for their adherence to the norms and systematically participating in the Easter Liturgy and meaningfully completing it. He thanked all the in charges who strenuously worked at the given task to make the Liturgy and all the Holy Week ceremonies a success.
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