Catholic Sabha Udyavar organizes Intra-Parish Speech competition.
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- Categories Activity, Catholic Sabha
- Date September 2, 2024
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Not Just a competition but the celebration of the Power of Words – Fr Stephan Rodrigues
On 1st September Sunday at 2:30pm Catholic Sabha Udyavar Unit organized the Intra-Parish Speech competitions for various age groups and in Kannada and Konkani language on the given topics corresponding the age groups.
Rev. Fr Stephan Rodrigues the assistant parish priest inaugurated the the program by lighting the lamp and in his introductory remarks he urged the competitors to make an impact in the minds of the listeners with a powerful message which resonates in the hearts. he wished them good luck and also appreciated the Catholic Sabha for organizing such an event which could increase the self confidence in children and young minds.
nearly 57 members took part in the competition. Mr Ronald D’ Almeida the president-elect of Catholic Sabha Central, Mrs. Irene Pereira the president, Mr Robert secretory, program co-ordinator Mr Steven Lewis of Catholic sabha udyavar unit, along with Mr Lawrence D’Sa the vice president and Mr John M D’Souza the secretory of PPC shared the stage. Judges who were invited from various other catholic Sabha units were also present.
Our Children should also be encouraged to take part in the speech competitions at Social platforms outside the church campus – Rev. Fr Anil D’Souza

At around 5:30pm valedictory program was held and the prizes were distributed to the winners and the consolation prizes were given to all the participants to support them. Rev Fr Anil D’Souza was the Chief guest in his remarks he appreciated the organizers for organizing such an event to unleash the hidden talents in youth and children. thereafter the prizes were distributed to all the winners of the competitions and consolation prizes to all the participants. Mrs Sandra mastered the ceremony